
Pineapple Team

Effective Strategies for Parents Working from Home in the Philippines

The work from home Philippines setup has emerged from the rise in popularity of remote working. First gaining traction in the early 2010s, virtual assistants have become a popular ally of businesses all over the world. Naturally, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the world’s rapid adoption of remote working, only served to strengthen the popularity of virtual assistants.

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The Essential Role of a Virtual Legal Assistant in the Legal Services Industry

We all know that legal professionals are busy, and this intense workload translates very quickly into considerable stress. Not only can this affect the performance of your legal team and impact your operational efficiency, but it can also lead to your staff having to take time off. It’s a snowball effect, and one which damages the client service you offer.

The Essential Role of a Virtual Legal Assistant in the Legal Services Industry Read More »

Art and Culture Virtual Assistants – Everything You Need to Know

The art and culture industry thrives on creativity, expression, and preserving traditions for future generations. It’s also an industry which can boast of economic activity totalling $1.1 trillion in the US. A huge figure such as this, clearly, indicates that the world of art and culture is lucrative. But where there’s money, there’s always sharp

Art and Culture Virtual Assistants – Everything You Need to Know Read More »

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